Particle Analytical showing advanced CRO and CDMO capabilities at BOS Basel

news-releasesParticle Analytical ApS
June 13th 2019

Hørsholm, Denmark: – Particle Analytical (PA), the Danish-based CRO that specializes in analyzing particle properties, will be among the exhibitors at this month’s Bio Outsourcing Strategies (BOS) networking conference in Basel, Switzerland.

From its stand at Booth 49 at the Basel Congress Center, Particle Analytical will feature its portfolio of particle analysis, physical characterization, sorption profiling and other advanced analytical capabilities.

CMC and discovery focus

PA will also present its increasing range of cGMP CRO and CDMO capabilities in granule, powder, and emulsion characterization as well as highly developed expertise in the chemistry manufacturing and controls (CMC) and solid state characterization that are key focus area for the conference.

The PA team at BOS 2019 will be led by CEO and founder, Søren Lund Kristensen, who will be accompanied by Senior Technical Specialist Mouritz Svenson.

“We are pleased to be returning to BOS because it provides us with an excellent platform to showcase our advanced portfolio of skills and capabilities, reaching out to an elite audience of industry peers and potential partners,” said Mr. Svenson.

About Particle Analytical

Particle Analytical ApS is a contract laboratory (CRO) that specializes in analysis of physical parameters of particles, powders or emulsions, using a range of advanced techniques.

Founded in year 2000, the laboratory has become one of Denmark’s most rapidly expanding companies, twice winning the national ‘Growth Gazelle’ award.

It is one of the few laboratories in Europe to offer a complete range of services dedicated to analysis of powders, including particle size, and a range of physicochemical properties. These services are primarily focused on the pharmaceutical industry, where particle and powder analysis are essential in controlling compound properties during development, both with regard to production process and behavior in vivo.

Unique analysis services include determination of refraction index, fast compatibility screenings of excipients and determination of the crystalline proportions of samples.

Particle Analytical’s leading-edge capabilities include laser diffraction, XRD, thermal analysis, dynamic light scattering, optical microscopy, BET, dynamic vapor sorption, density measurement and air permeability. The laboratory is fully certificated as cGMP compliant by the Danish authorities and is also registered with the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA).

Particle Analytical services can either be used in routine analysis, separately to solve specific problems, or in parallel to larger drug development programs. These services include particle size determination, examination of physical properties, polymorph screening, method development and validation.

About BOS 2019

The Bio Outsourcing Strategies (BOS) conference brings together stakeholders in pharmaceutical R&D outsourcing to share experience, develop knowledge and skills and build new and existing business partnerships.

Featuring a co-located exhibition, BOS 2019 is a two-day event opening June 19 at the Congress Centre Basel, Switzerland.

The 2019 conference will focus on Discovery Outsourcing and Development Stage CMC Outsourcing for both Small Molecules and Biologics and is expected to attract some 500 delegates representing more than 150 international companies. The conference program will feature presentations by more than 70 experts representing industry and academia, as well as partnering and networking sessions.

The event is organized by Bio2Business with further information at:

Particle Analytical showing advanced CRO and CDMO capabilities at BOS Basel

Particle Analytical CEO, Mr. Søren Lund Kristensen

Particle Analytical ApS

Contact Information
Address: Agern Allé 3, DK-2970 Hørsholm, Denmark
Telephone No: +45 4576 3060
Email Address: [email protected]
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