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    Molnár-Institute enables more agile responses to CV-19 pandemic

    news-releasesMolnár-Institute for applied chromatography
    April 15th 2020

    Berlin: – The Molnár-Institute for Applied Chromatography is stressing the importance of computer-aided method development in chromatography by speeding the formulation of an effective vaccine or therapeutic drugs to combat the coronavirus Covid-19.

    The Molnár-Institute’s method development services can greatly accelerate drug and vaccine development while its proprietary DryLab®4 modelling software platform is being expanded using the Empower and other modules to allow more remote working and networked collaboration.

    Speeding results by reducing risk

    DryLab® is a standalone chromatographic automation platform that accelerates high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) or ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) processes by creating in-silico models from cdf or AIA data generated by standard chromatographic data systems CDS, such as Waters Empower, Thermo Chromeleon, or Agilent OpenLab.

    In particular, it can reduce the risk of out of specification (OoS) results and hugely improve routine method efficiency by integrating Design of Experiments (DoE) and Quality by Design (QbD) principles into the process.

    DryLab®’s unique gradient modeling capabilities and 3-D resolution maps visually guide researchers in making risk assessments and selecting ideal working points, while the built-in robustness module helps to avoid OoS results.

    The Molnar-Institute services also enable superior instrument control along with a knowledge management module that ensures regulatory compliant data integrity and documentation.

    Empower acceleration

    In response to the CV-19 pandemic, Molnar-Institute is accelerating its release of the Empower automation DryLab® expansion module that recognizes the critical time constraints under which research teams are now working.

    Empower promises to further facilitate the R&D process to reduce time between drug discovery and approval by optimizing use of instrumentation and determining most robust method conditions. By reducing costs and ensuring full compliance with FDA/EMA requirements for Method Lifecycle Management it improves quality of results and ensure patient safety while simultaneously reducing Quality Control (QC) costs.

    Only input runs needed

    Molnár-Institute senior scientist Arnold Zöldhegyi commented:

    “Our services and technologies address the general issues facing all life sciences researchers: that their methods need to be robust and economical, with short run times. Even so, they usually anticipate weeks or even months of work on the task, while resources are tied up and other projects must wait while valuable time is wasted.”

    “Our solution allows customers to provide us their input runs from which we can develop an FDA- compliant DryLab® method from our laboratory here in Berlin,” Mr. Zöldhegyi explained.

    Enabling remote working

    While keeping its Berlin laboratory fully operational, Molnár-Institute enables scientists worldwide to work from home in safe isolation, networking and processing data from home computers.

    DryLab® also supports client laboratories in remote working through its DryLab® Home-Office module with you while working remotely from Home or during Site Closures.

    “Molnár-Institute will remain available to discuss all our clients’ most our pressing needs at this difficult time,” promised the Institute’s President, Dr. Imre Molnár.

    Agile response to CV-19

    “We know that we are in uncertain times in the face of this global CV-19 pandemic and our main responses should be to stay flexible and work from home, wherever possible,” said Dr. Imre Molnár.

    He said the Institute would help individual DryLab® users to vary their licenses to allow remote access.

    “Our most urgent contribution is to help life sciences companies and organizations who are struggling with delivery bottlenecks and travel restrictions due to the increasing impact of the corona crisis or who are looking for new forms of work,” said Dr. Molnár.

    About Molnar-Institute

    Founded in 1981, Molnár-Institute develops DryLab®, a software for (U)HPLC modeling for a world-wide market. Its powerful modules allow for the most sophisticated method development as required across pharma industries. Analytical scientists use DryLab to understand chromatographic interactions, reduce runtimes, increase robustness, and conform to Analytical Quality by Design (AQbD) standards.

    Molnár-Institute is registered vendor to the US FDA, CDC and many other regulatory bodies. DryLab has pioneered AQbD long before regulatory agencies across the world encouraged such submissions. Widely implemented by thought leaders, the software contributes substantially to the paradigm shift towards a science- and risk driven perspective on HPLC Quality Control and -Assurance.

    DryLab. Right First Time. Every Time.


    Analytical Method Development: Workflow, Advantages and Future developments

    Molnár-Institute enables more agile responses to CV-19 pandemic

    Molnár-Institute founder and President, Dr. Dr. Imre Molnár

    Molnár-Institute for applied chromatography

    Contact Information
    Address: Schneegloeckchenstrasse 47, 10407 Berlin, Germany
    Telephone No: +49 30 421 559-0
    Email Address: [email protected]

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