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    Providing the perfect IVF environment – PHC Case Study

    resourcesPHC Europe BV
    February 7th 2024

    A Customer Case Study from PHC Europe (PHCEU) shows how the advanced features of PHCbi incubators have allowed one of Sweden’s leading public reproductive medicine centers to provide the ultra-precise in-vitro fertilization (IVF) environment to allow human embryos to grow healthily outside the womb.

    The customer testimonial traces the growth of Malmo’s Reproduction Medicine Center from its foundation as a hospital department in 2007 to its current status as a clinic in its own right where more than 45 doctors, embryologists, nurses, midwifes and secretaries treat some 28,000 patients per year, including 1,200 new IVF treatments and 600 frozen cycles annually. The Centre also offers other treatments, such as hormonal substitutions and ‘fertility preservation’ of gametes for cancer patient in chemotherapy, along with an in-house donor bank.

    Secure and stable incubation

    In all these activities, the role of PHCbi equipment has been crucial, with legacy Sanyo and Panasonic incubators initially providing secure and stable environments for embryos, oocytes, and gametes that are ultra-sensitive to all fluctuations in temperature, pH, and gases.

    RMC Malmo has equipped its new clinical facility and treatment center with 11 of PHCbi’s newest and smallest (50L) Multigas Incubators, the MCO-50M-PE, specifically for its advanced engineering in minimizing temperature fluctuations resulting from door openings, as well as its sophisticated control/alarm systems and ease of connection.

    The case study also highlights the contribution of PHCbi’s local partner Vitrotech in providing expert installation and support to the fitting out of the new clinic.


    Innovative Partners for Life Sciences Development


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