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    Powder handling excellence

    products-servicesDec Group
    July 4th 2018

    Over more than three decades, Dec Group has established a worldwide reputation for Swiss precision excellence in all forms of advanced powder handling – making dry powders and granules flow efficiently and safely in and out of processes and containers.

    In this product bulletin, we examine the key components and elements that define excellent powder handling, including transfer, dosing, containment, cleaning and maintenance.

    We also explore the technologies that lie behind Dec’s Powder Transfer System (PTS), that forms the core for all its solutions.

    Powder handling challenges

    For any powder handling operation, there are basic challenges to be met and overcome.

    • Enabling powders and granulates of all grades and constituencies to flow freely and efficiently between one process and the next, without sticking, blockages or excess residues
    • Ensuring precisely metered or weighed quantities are dispensed into reactors and other processes, even under pressure, as well as out of or into bags or drums
    • Maintaining isolation and total containment when dealing with highly potent, toxic or sensitive materials that pose potential operator or safety risks
    • Providing for automation wherever possible, as well as manual intervention at key stages
    • Allowing rapid and easy Clean In Place (CIP) or Sterilize in Place (SIP) of all equipment

    Dec powder handling technologies

    Dec offers a range of powder handling platforms and technologies that work together in synergy to form total solutions for any need. Principal platforms include:

    • Safe and contained conveying with PTS: The PTS Powder Transfer System challenged convention when first introduced in the 1980s by using both vacuum and pressure in tandem to move powders as if they were liquids. This eliminates need for gravity charging, allowing the whole installation to work on a single floor or even charge containers installed on higher floors. PTS is highly effective at transferring and dispensing both dry and sticky wet powders and granules. Its unique flat membrane filtration concept makes it the only vacuum dense-phase system capable to handle any powder. PTS forms the core for any Dec installation, interfacing with all the other supporting platforms and ancillaries.
    • Filling and discharging containers with DCS: The DCS Drum Containment System is a stainless steel cylindrical glove box with glass cover and with two glove ports that offers a highly compact and economic isolation system, allowing precise and contamination free filling and discharging of drums or big bags. DCS can be easily connected to process equipment for discharge and is adaptable to a multitude of containers. DCS can also be used to discharge or fill from/to several items of equipment through one single station. DCS technology can be used to handle both powders and liquids.
    • Big Bag Filling/Discharging: Dec’s modular big bag stations support a range of packaging and containment concepts from inflatable gaskets to liner systems that can be integrated with glove boxes. The modular design means big bag stations can be adapted to varying process and containment requirements.
    • Conveying and dosing with PFL Powderflex: The PFL Powderflex provides continuous and precise dosing and conveying of small to medium quantities of powder, working for powders just as a peristaltic pump does for liquids. The system comprises two small, calibrated chambers, each equipped with a flat filter, generating continuous powder flow or precise volumetric dosing through a unique valve system, plus the combined effect of vacuum and pressure, which makes it possible to alternate filling and emptying at a high frequency and over considerable distances. Its simple design ensures minimal maintenance and makes rapid changes of product possible.
    • Dosing with DosiValve: The Dec DosiValve enables precise dosing even when handling difficult products, avoiding the flow and accuracy problems typically associated with standard rotating or vibration valves. By varying the frequency and travel of a pneumatically actuated piston, the speed, weight and exact volume of dosing can be precisely controlled. The absence of rotating parts allows for easy CIP/SIP. The DosiValve works through gravity for normal charging or can be integrated with PTS for remote charging.


    True End-to-End Solutions

    Powder handling excellence

    DCS drum discharging for IBC filling with PTS

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