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    MOLNÁR-INSTITUTE to play leading roles at ISSS 2024 symposium in Messina

    news-releasesMolnár-Institute for applied chromatography
    September 16th 2024

    Berlin: – The MOLNÁR-INSTITUTE for Applied Chromatography will be returning as a prominent presenter at the 28th International Symposium on Separation Sciences (ISSS 2024), this time to be hosted in Messina, Sicily.

    The MOLNÁR-INSTITUTE is both a Gold Sponsor of the meeting and a leading contributor to the conference program.

    Tribute to Hungarian pioneer

    During the late afternoon of Day 1, MOLNÁR-INSTITUTE President Dr. Imre Molnár will conclude the Csaba Horváth Memorial Session by paying tribute to the hungarian scientist as the father of Reversed Phase Chromatography (RPC), enabling a revolution in life science (September 22, 17:00-18:20, Vittorio Ricevuto Room). Dr. Molnár will also chair the Day 3 Scientific Session 12, that will feature lectures on diverse topics that include Multidimensional Preparative Gas Chromatography (GC) for sustainable isolation of target analytes, Developing Fuel Property Prediction Models using Comprehensive 2D Gas Chromatography, and selective isolation of chemicals by a customized GC×GC setup.

    Analyzing flavors in gin

    Other topics for the session will range from development of HILIC×RP-LC platforms for quali-quantitative screening of bioactive compounds in foods and natural products to use of high capacity sorptive extraction and GC×GC–TOF MS to explore the flavor profiles of gin (September 24, 15:40-17:25 hrs).

    Before that, during the afternoon of Day Two, longtime MOLNÁR-INSTITUTE research collaborators Dr. Krisztián Horváth of University of Pannonia and Róbert Kormány of Budapest-based Egis Pharmaceuticals will be among a Hungarian study team presenting Plenary Lecture 10 detailing their results on Application of porous graphitic carbon stationary phases in pharmaceutical analysis (September 23, 15:00-15:20 hrs).


    Founded in 1981, the MOLNÁR-INSTITUTE develops DryLab®4, a software for UHPLC modelling for a world-wide market. Its powerful modules gradient editor, peak tracking, automation, robustness, and Design Space Comparison allow for the most sophisticated method development as required across modern pharma industries. Analytical scientists use DryLab®4 to understand chromatographic interactions, to reduce analysis time, to increase robustness, and to conform to Analytical Quality by Design (AQbD) principles, according to the recently published ICH Q14 regulatory framework. DryLab contributes strongly to the “green chromatography movement”, as a model chromatogram is produced in one second, allowing great saving of organic eluents.

    The MOLNÁR-INSTITUTE is a registered partner of the US-FDA, CDC, and many other regulatory bodies. DryLab®4 pioneered AQbD long before regulatory agencies across the world encouraged such submissions. Widely implemented by thought leaders, the software contributes substantially to the paradigm shift towards a science and risk driven perspective on HPLC Quality Control and Assurance.

    Further information at:

    About ISSS 2024

    The International Symposium on Separation Sciences is an annual conference for researchers and practitioners in liquid and gaseous phase chromatography that covers advances and challenges in all fields of separation sciences and hyphenated techniques.

    The 28th ISSS 2024 Symposium will be a four-day event opening September 22 on the campus of the University of Messina on the northeastern tip of Sicily, within sight of the Italian mainland.

    The ISSS 2024 program will focus on fundamental and practical aspects of separation and detection methods as well as hyphenated, multidimensional, and miniaturised separation techniques applied for analytical, preparative, and industrial purposes, including new horizons and challenges in separation sciences.

    The event is organised by the ISSS organizing committee in collaboration with Central European Group for Separation Sciences (CEGSS), with further information at:


    Click on Molnár-Institute Method Development Services for other information.


    Analytical Method Development: Workflow, Advantages and Future developments

    MOLNÁR-INSTITUTE to play leading roles at ISSS 2024 symposium in Messina

    ISSSS 2024 venue: University of Messina campus.

    MOLNÁR-INSTITUTE to play leading roles at ISSS 2024 symposium in Messina

    The MOLNÁR-INSTITUTE President Dr. Imré Molnár.

    Molnár-Institute for applied chromatography

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    Address: Schneegloeckchenstrasse 47, 10407 Berlin, Germany
    Telephone No: +49 30 421 559-0
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