ZellBio identified as key supplier for BUN detection technology in emerging COVID-19 market

news-releasesZellBio GmbH
October 5th 2021

Lonsee, Germany: – Respected developer and manufacturer of  high quality life sciences research materials, ZellBio GmbH, is identified as a significant supplier of ZELLX® Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) Detection Kits that have become a key element in global response to the COVID-19 novel coronavirus pandemic.

The Credible Markets report ‘Global Urea Nitrogen (BUN) Detection Kit Market Report 2021 by Key Players, Types, Applications, Countries, Market Size, forecast to 2027’ (see Resources) provides an extensive exploration of this fast growing market and its key players. The report thoroughly investigates each  of the fundamental parts of the BUN Detection market and provides roadmaps for its future development.

BUN significance

BUN level serves as a primary measure of kidney function but also, in combination with D-dimer as a predictor of in-hospital mortality in COVID-19 patients. A recent study (Cheng et al., 2020) concluded that COVID-19 non-survivors showed  significantly higher BUN and D-dimer levels1.

Elevated BUN level (≥ 50 mg/dL) is also associated with acute kidney failure or injury, severe acute pancreatitis, congestive heart failure or gastrointestinal bleeding.

Featured BUN supplier

ZellBio is one of nine suppliers featured in the Companies segment of the report, with its ZELLX® Colorimetric Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) Assay (Colorimetric) providing a Species independent method of measuring Urea Nitrogen in 30 minutes from sera, plasma, urine, saliva or TCM samples with 0.065 mg/dL sensitivity, calibrated to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) guidelines.

Azotemia, a medical condition caused by the increased level of nitrogen‐containing compounds, including BUN and Creatinine, in the blood is the result of poor kidney function or dehydration due to alcohol abuse, or high protein diets.

ZELLX® also offers easy-to-use Serum Creatinine and Urine Creatinine Assays that can be used to measure Creatinine levels in serum and urine respectively, which can be used in combination with the BUN Detection Kit.


  1. Cheng, A, Hu, L., Wang, Y., Huang, L., Zhao, L., Zhang, C., Liu, X., Xu, R., Liu, F., Li, J., Ye, D., Wang, T.,  Lv, Y., Liu, Q., 2020, ‘Diagnostic performance of initial blood urea nitrogen combined with D-dimer levels for predicting in-hospital mortality in COVID-19 patients’, Int J Antimicrob Agents, Sep. 2020; 56(3): 106110.  DOI: 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2020.106110

About ZellBio

Over the course of a decade, ZellBio GmbH has become a respected developer and manufacturer of high quality life sciences research materials that promote scientific discovery.

ZellBio’s guiding mission is to provide the highest quality products to aide discovery across the life sciences through development of innovative Immunoassay kits while minimizing cost to increase their value to researchers working in academia and industry.

ZellBio products include ZELLX® bioassay and immunoassay kits, as well as  a wide range of products for general and specialized laboratory requirements in all application areas.

The online ZELLX® store offers an extensive range of colorimetric, fluorometric, ELISA, and chemiluminescent assays for quantitative and qualitative analysis across a wide spectrum of compounds and molecules.

ZellBio GmbH was founded in 2011 with initial focus on providing reagents and ELISA Kits for demanding applications in the life-sciences market. Over the years, the company has progressively deepened and extended its expertise in molecular biology and bioassays.

In 2017, it opened its production line for branded ZELLX® high quality Bioassay and Immunoassay Kits.

Headquartered at Lonsee, near Ulm in Baden-Württemberg in Southern Germany, the company has negotiated numerous distributor arrangements to provide global access to its products.

To learn more, go to: www.zellx.de


Click on Creative Markets Global Report: Urea Nitrogen (BUN) Detection Kit Market to access full report.
Click on ZX-44114-96 Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) Assay (Colorimetric) for full product details.

ZellBio identified as key supplier for BUN detection technology in emerging COVID-19 market

Detection performance curve for ZELLX® Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) Assay (Colorimetric) Detection Kit.

ZellBio identified as key supplier for BUN detection technology in emerging COVID-19 market

ZellBio GmbH

Contact Information
Address: Hinter den Gärten 56, 89173 Lonsee, Germany
Telephone No: +49 (0)731 55211521
Email Address: [email protected]
Web Address: https://zellx.de/