Skyepharma survey seeks out unmet needs in OSD forms

news-releasesSkyepharma Production S.A.S.
September 23rd 2022

Saint-Quentin-Fallavier, France: – Oral dosage specialist CDMO Skyepharma Productions S.A.S. (Skyepharma) is reaching out to its customers and other stakeholders to find out where it can further improve its offerings.

Visitors to the Skyepharma website are being invited to complete a short survey itemising their ‘unmet needs’ in oral solid dosage forms.

Click on What are your unmet needs for oral solid dosage forms? to take the survey.

Multiple options

Options offered include site-specific targeting, patient friendly forms to increase compliance, enhanced bioavailability, long-acting formulations, precision delivery, customised dosing, orally delivered biologics, adaptation to circadian rhythm, combination drugs,  and biological data collection.

For each option selected, respondents will be able to provide more specific indicators as to importance and significance.

The polling exercise will provide Skyepharma with valuable quantitative data on where to prioritise its research and development efforts.

About Skyepharma Production

Skyepharma is an independent French pharmaceutical CDMO, 100% owned by its management team and Bpifrance. Skyepharma is an expert CDMO specialised in the formulation, development and manufacturing of complex oral solid forms (OSD), with a specific expertise and proprietary technologies on modified release products.

Skyepharma is based in Saint-Quentin-Fallavier, France. The current factory, dedicated to its OSD activity, occupies 22,000m2, on a 60,000m2 piece of land. Skyepharma has decided to allocate a portion of the available land (more than 20,000m2) to establish its SkyeHub Bioproduction, an innovative model designed to offer clinical and commercial production capacities to biotech companies. This SkyeHub model includes the construction of dedicated buildings, with specifically designed surfaces and premises, together with transverse support services such as quality, maintenance, batch release, etc.

Learn more at:


Click on What are your unmet needs for oral solid dosage forms? to take the survey.


Center of Excellence in Classic and Complex Oral Solid Forms

Skyepharma survey seeks out unmet needs in OSD forms

OSD survey is hosted on Skyepharma website.

Skyepharma Production S.A.S.

Contact Information
Address: Z.A. de Chesnes Ouest, 55 Rue du Montmurier – B.P. 45, 38291 Saint-Quentin-Fallavier, FRANCE
Telephone No: +33 4 74 95 20 46
Email Address: [email protected]