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    R&D Tablet Presses from Huxley Bertram

    products-servicesHuxley Bertram Engineering Ltd
    August 14th 2024

    R&D Tablet Presses have been developed by compaction simulation experts Huxley Bertram as a range of highly versatile laboratory instruments that can be used for powder characterization and formulation, tableting development, scale up studies, and Quality by Design (QbD) based studies.

    The Huxley Bertram HB100, HB50 and HB10 RD Tablet Presses all incorporate robust hydraulically powered double acting mechanisms to give them rotary press simulation capability and are designed to accommodate all standard tooling types.

    R&D Tablet Press HB100

    Huxley Bertram’s flagship high-speed servo-hydraulic tablet development press can be used to simulate production presses at up to 1m/s punch speeds, simulating for example a KORSCH XL800 running at 100rpm. It can be used as a pilot press, producing up to eight tablets per minute, with automated hopper fill and multiple tooling options. The platform includes comprehensive analysis software.

    The HB100 is a stand-alone system with containment, hydraulic, cooling and control systems all fully integrated, along with an on-board tablet weight, thickness, and breaking strength measurement station. The configurable work space can be used for tablet compaction, tri-axial, or capsule filling tests. It includes a vacuum system with integrated filters and cyclone for powder recovery.

    A high containment version of the HB100 features transfer cannisters and glove ports, allowing it to be used for powder and tablet development using high potency pharmaceutical ingredients to Occupational Exposure Band OEB 5 standards. The unique hybrid high air flow ventilation system also allows the system to be used without gloves for compounds up to OEB3 while the separate control system provides control, monitoring and test of containment, along with a solvent level alarm for cleaning safety, glove integrity test and leak protection systems.

    R&D Tablet Press HB50

    This compact and versatile tablet press simulator can generate double ended forces up to 50 kN with a servo-hydraulic mechanism. It features a configurable work space for tablet compaction or capsule filling tests, along with a wide selection of instrumentation and software options.

    Position-controlled press and roller compactor simulations can be conducted on the HB50  using a library of tablet press simulations, along with position or load controlled research profiles for material characterization and initial studies.

    R&D Tablet Press HB10

    The HB10 R&D Tablet Press is a compact and mobile research tablet press with a low-speed but highly capable servo-hydraulic double acting mechanism powered by an integrated hydraulic pump with low power consumption. Castor mounting allows the HB10 to be easily wheeled between workstations or away for cleaning.

    The HB10’s multi-tool versatility and user-friendliness are further enhanced by its simple operating software and precision instrumentation for load and position, upper and lower force, and multiple other options to carry out comprehensive force and position-controlled tests. The rigid steel core gives the HB10 greater precision and uncluttered form for easier cleaning with simple removable tool holders that permit quick and easy tooling installations or changeovers with punches and dies pre-aligned.

    R&D Tablet Press Option

    HB supports its compaction simulator solutions with a wide range of specialized accessories and instrumentation, including Adhesion Punches, Pressure Instrumented Dies, Ejection Force Punches, Temperature Instrumented Punches, Tool Holders and Shear Testers.

    The functionality of Huxley Bertram R&D Tablet Press Simulators can be further extended with a range of optional accessories, including automatic feeders, automatic take-off and Huxley Bertram’s range of specialized die pressure sensors and instrumentation packages for advanced measurements (see Resources).

    R&D Tablet Press Performance Data


    Click on R&D Tablet Presses by Huxley Bertram for further information.


    A poster from the Compaction Simulation Forum argues for a controlled rate of porosity reduction to study compaction speed effects

    R&D Tablet Presses from Huxley Bertram

    Huxley Bertram HB100 Tablet Press Simulator: Sophisticated simulation of high-speed tablet production.

    R&D Tablet Presses from Huxley Bertram

    Huxley Bertram HB50 versatile double ended tablet press simulator with configurable work space for tablet compaction or capsule filling tests.

    R&D Tablet Presses from Huxley Bertram

    Huxley Bertram HB10 R&D Bench Top Press: A compact but highly capable double acting research press with multi-layer capability.

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