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    Fluorescent Peptides and Amino Acids

    products-servicesBachem AG
    July 28th 2016

    Bachem offers a range of peptides and amino acids tagged with Tide FluorTM fluorescent dyes that outperform most conventional and proprietary dyes for fluorescent intensity and photo-stability.

    For optimum results in fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), Bachem recommends peptides with Tide FluorTM dyes and Tide QuencherTM acceptors. The resulting FRET pairs provide ideal overlap between donor and acceptor spectra, leading to particularly efficient quenching.


    Bachem’s more than 40 years of experience in peptide research and manufacturing is manifested in its ‘one stop shop for peptides’ approach that allows it to provide ready-labeled research products from a single source with short delivery time. The Bachem portfolio includes a wide range of labeled peptides and customized labeling service.

    These latest fluorescent peptide and amino acid trends incorporate Tide FluorTM dyes and Tide QuencherTM acceptors developed by Bachem partner, AAT Bioquest, Inc., to meet the demands of researchers in academia and life sciences, working with labeled peptide and amino acids.

    Classical fluorescein dyes often suffer significant experimental drawbacks like mediocre fluorescent intensity, insufficient photo-stability or incomplete quenching. The new Tide FluorTM and Tide QuencherTM enhancements overcome these difficulties to provide end users with more and better options for their labeled peptides and amino acid probes.

    Tide FluorTM

    The Tide Fluor™ labels can be excited using common light sources, exhibit a strong fluorescence and high photostability. Peptides labeled with Tide FluorTM are valuable tools for protease activity assays and (confocal) fluorescence microscopy. They provide enhanced sensitivity and stability, and can be used in a wide range of experimental conditions and pH values. The Tide Fluor™ family includes eight different dyes, mainly diverging for their spectral properties, with absorption maxima from 345 nm to 775 nm. They can also be used as superior alternative to dyes like Alexa Fluor®, Cy, FAM, FITC, EDANS, IRDye®, ROX and Texas Red®. In addition, Tide Fluor™ derivatives with different chemical functionalities and increased water-solubility are available, resembling a valuable tool box for joining them to peptides with diverging chemical moieties and rather hydrophobic nature.

    Tide QuencherTM

    The offering includes seven different types of Tide Quencher™ with absorption maxima from approximately 490 nm to 763 nm as optimum acceptor labels for FRET probes with Tide Fluor™ fluorophores. The strong absorption and high quenching efficiency of Tide Quencher™ result in a strong signal in typical FRET applications like protease assays. Moreover, they can be used as better alternatives to quenchers with similar spectral properties. Like with Tide Fluor™, the Tide Quencher™ family offers a variety of chemical modifications as well as types with increased water solubility.


    The Bachem fluorescent range of products offers industry leading standards of fluorescence, efficient quenching, and stability against photo-bleaching that outperform most conventional and proprietary dyes and thus provide highly effective tools in obtaining optimum results in important research fields such as Alzheimer`s Disease and oncology.

    End-user benefits include:

    • One stop shop for ready labeled peptides and amino acids
    • Intense, robust fluorescence and strong signal-to-noise ratio
    • Optimum research results and reliable detection in the most challenging experimental situations
    • Comprehensive and instant technical support in case of experimental difficulties or questions regarding application
    • A wide catalog range backed up by capability to provide tailored labeling of customer-specific peptides where needed

    Further information and availability

    Bachem fluorescent peptides and amino acids are available to order from a dedicated homepage:

    There is also background and support information on the new Bachem fluorescent range in the July edition of the Bachem Peptide Trends Newsletter, accessible at:


    Click on Bachem Fluorescent Dyes for product information.
    Click on Bachem Custom Synthesis for customized products.
    Click on Peptide Trends Newsletter for latest on Bachem peptides.
    Click on Fluorescent Range Download for print-ready brochure.
    Click on Bachems News to see latest News & Events.


    Maintaining Resilient TIDES Supply in a VUCA World


    Bachem AG

    Contact Information
    Address: Hauptstrasse 144, 4416, Bubendorf, Switzerland
    Telephone No: +41 58 595 2021

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