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    Aurena expands capabilities for bottle filling and airless dispensing

    news-releasesAurena Laboratories
    October 13th 2021

    Karlstad, Sweden: – Bag-on-Valve(BoV) specialist Aurena Laboratories AB is expanding its operations with new manufacturing capabilities and will start to offer contract manufacturing and fill/finish services with diverse packaging options, including airless dispensing.

    Across these new Aurena packaging options, the focus will still be on non-sterile and sterile liquids as well as semi-solid products such as ointments, creams and gels.  Aurena can also offer fill/finish and packaging for flammable products that require an ATEX environment.

    Beyond BoV

    Since 2000, Aurena has been manufacturing medical device classified products using Bag-on-valve (BoV) packaging. The company supplies products to brand owners around the world and is considered a leading CMO in this field. In addition to contract manufacturing, the company is known for its portfolio of medical device classified products that are offered as private labels.

    Aurena’s expanded contract manufacturing capabilities and fill/finish service will now include packaging options beyond BoV to include bottles, pump sprays and various types of airless dispensing for nasal and dermal applications.

    Airless dispensing demand

    The products that Aurena manufactures can be classified as medical devices, drugs or biocidal products.

    Magnus Hedman, Director of Business development and co-founder explains, “It’s a natural development step for Aurena to start offering other packaging for liquid drugs. In particular, we are seeing an increasing demand for airless nasal and dermal drug dispensing, which is an area where Aurena hopes to become an attractive CMO.”

    More packaging options

    “With our upgraded manufacturing services, we can now offer our pharmaceutical customers more packaging options with precise dosing and the possibility of 360˚ dispensing,” said Mr. Hedman.

    The full range of Fill / Finish capabilities at Aurena now includes:

    • Bag-on-valve sprays
    • Airless pumps
    • Bottle filling
    • Metered-Dose pumps
    • Nasal sprays
    • Dermal sprays
    • Throat sprays
    • Vaginal sprays
    • PureHale® (Aptar Pharma)

    About Aurena Laboratories

    Swedish-based Aurena Laboratories (Aurena) specializes in development and manufacturing of products using Bag-on-Valve packaging. The company is a leader in private label products and contract manufacturing of bag on valve aerosols for the pharmaceutical and medical device industry.

    Its product offers include private label seawater/saline-based nasal sprays, wound wash sprays, adhesive removers, emollient sprays, diabetic foot spray and burn gel. Aurena-manufactured products are also brought to market under Private Label or as contract-manufactured products.

    The company complements its internal resources with external expertise and capabilities, including clinical development, product development and commercialization.

    More information available at:


    Your Partner in Bag-On-Valve – Medical Devices

    Aurena expands capabilities for bottle filling and airless dispensing

    Aurena Laboratories offers a ranger of sophisticated packaging and fill/finish services from its plant at Karlstad, Sweden.


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