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    Phage Consultants shares contamination advice via online webinar

    news-releasesPhage Consultants
    October 14th 2024

    Gdansk, Poland: – Specialist bacteriophage CRO Phage Consultants (PC) has shared insights on Phage Contamination as a Major Cause of Process Failures in biological production in an online webinar.

    The event featured Phage Consultants CEO Dr. Marcin Los and was hosted by Business Review Webinars on its Pharmaceutical Channel.

    Seasonal risk

    The webinar was timed to coincide with the start of the Northern Hemisphere Autumn Season when bacteriophage contaminations are at their peak. Dr. Los explained this was because phages are most prevalent in moist conditions associated with heavy rainfall.

    His presentation covered key topic areas of interest to biological process managers, including a basic primer on the nature of bacteriophages and their mechanisms of infection of bacterial cells, the dangers they pose to fermentation processes, their sources and symptoms, consequences of neglecting phage infections and basic contamination troubleshooting advice.

    In depth advice

    Among other insights, he explained why it is not advisable to site biological production facilities near rivers or agricultural land and the importance of being very careful about the raw materials used.

    “I was very pleased to present this online webinar to contribute some much-needed clarity to the discussion of the place of phages in contamination issues,” said Dr. Los.

    “This was information important to fermentation and cell culturing professionals in helping them understand some of the risk factors associated with phage contamination, how to recognize the symptoms, and the steps they can take if trouble strikes, not least in calling us for advice and our decontamination services,” he explained.

    About Phage Consultants

    Phage Consultants is a contract research and manufacturing organization that specializes in bacteriophage detection, characterization and production, but also prevention and eradication from laboratories and production facilities.

    Bacteriophages (phages) are viruses that infect bacteria. First discovered around 1915, phages are the most numerous organisms in the biosphere and played an important role in understanding fundamental molecular biology for example horizontal gene transfer Bacteriophages have different possible life cycles – lytic and lysogenic cycles – along with physical environment.  They have been used for almost a century as alternatives to antibiotics and can have therapeutic effect against multi-drug-resistant strains of many bacteria. In biotechnology, their activity can be devastating when bacterial cultures get infected. They can cause long-lasting recurrent infections which prevent successful production and in the past some facilities have been forced to close down due to their activities.

    Founded in Gdansk, Poland, in 2007, PC has become a world leader in using the power of bacteriophage technology in bioprocess infection and contamination control and assisting companies whose production is based on microbial activities in preventing bacteriophage contamination, along with bacterial, fungal and viral contaminations.

    Phage Consultants is also a team specialist in the field of bacteriophage biology with specific expertise in phage activity in bioprocesses. The team provides unique assistance to pharmaceutical and biotech companies, offering a range of services from personal training to consulting and process optimization in phage growth limitation. The company also advises and assists clients in the development of new production facilities.

    Further information at:


    Click on Phages and Fermentation to watch the recorded webinar.
    Click on Phage contamination and troubleshooting for further information.


    Bacteriophage contamination: is there a simple method to reduce its deleterious effects in laboratory cultures and biotechnological factories?

    Phage Consultants shares contamination advice via online webinar
    Phage Consultants shares contamination advice via online webinar
    Phage Consultants shares contamination advice via online webinar

    Dr. Marcin Los, CEO, Phage Consultants.

    Phage Consultants

    Contact Information
    Address: Partyzantow 10/18, 80-254 Gdansk, Poland
    Telephone No: +48 503 636 224
    Email Address: [email protected]

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