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    enGenes Biotech to show -excite contribution to sustainable continuous biotech production at BME 2024 in Dublin

    news-releasesenGenes Biotech GmbH
    July 11th 2024

    Vienna, Austria: – Recombinant proteins specialist CDMO enGenes Biotech GmbH (enGenes) will be an active participant in the latest Biochemical and Molecular Engineering conference, this year hosted in Dublin.

    enGenes will use the conference as a platform to share its latest progress as part of the ECOnti project that aims to develop an accelerated, low ecological footprint manufacturing platform for the continuous production of biotech products.

    Core role for -excite platform

    A poster presentation from enGenes scientist Dr. Natalia Danielewicz will highlight the key role of the company’s advanced recombinant protein expression platform -eXcite in achieving enhanced yields with lower resource consumption. Dr. Danielewicz will also focus on microbial processes and their crucial role in producing a wide range of products, addressing the challenges of achieving eco-friendly, long-term production of these molecules.

    Issues addressed in her presentation include high mutation rates in bacteria that currently hinder continuous process control, as well as the excessive energy and water consumption of large-scale biotechnological plants. Her poster will highlight the latest data demonstrating the stability of microbial recombinant protein manufacturing using -eXcite technology, which separates growth and production phases for enhanced long-term cultivation and stability.

    ECOnti potential

    Natalia Danielewicz commented: “We have always wanted to use and test the -eXcite technology under a range of conditions. Thanks to the ECOnti project, we were finally able to do so successfully, and we have outstanding data to share with the BME audience.”

    enGenes Biotech founder and CEO, Dr. Juergen Mairhofer, has expressed strong enthusiasm for participation in ECOnti, due to its unique potential for forging environmentally friendly and cost-effective manufacturing processes, higher product quality, and improved productivity.

    “ECOnti seeks to develop a microbial continuous production process integrated into a digital environment. Digitalization is a cornerstone of this project, providing a way to collect data in realtime and build predictive models essential for estimating the performance of recombinant protein manufacturing processes. At the conference, we intend to present the accuracy of these predictive models compared to real-life data gathered from continuous manufacturing processes,” Dr. Mairhofer explained.

    About enGenes Biotech

    enGenes Biotech GmbH (enGenes) is a contract research, development and manufacturing company that provides leading-edge technologies and production services focused on recombinant proteins in bacteria. The company’s mission is to provide cost-effective and scalable production of recombinant proteins at a fraction of the current cost, allied to a vision of developing a world-class portfolio of cutting-edge protein production technologies, relevant to a broad spectrum of application fields.

    enGenes has developed advanced technologies to drive more cost-effective recombinant protein production processes, including its proprietary enGenes-eXpress™ E. coli platform that achieves outstanding yields of soluble and active recombinant protein. enGenes- eXpress™ has been successfully applied for the manufacturing of enzymes and biopharmaceutical products that failed to give economically feasible yields in a conventional expression host.

    enGenes Biotech offers development and manufacturing services tailored to the needs of pharmaceutical and industrial biotech companies. The services include expression strain and vector development, fermentation process development and optimization, downstream process development, production of purified protein, technology transfer and scale-up support with technology out-licensing and co-development opportunities.

    Find out more at:

    About BME 2024

    Hosted by US-based Engineering Conferences International (ECI), the Biochemical and Molecular Engineering (BME) conference series was founded at the dawn of the recombinant DNA era at the turn of the millennium. These meetings bring together researchers from multiple engineering disciplines and the natural sciences to discuss recent progress across the broad field of chemical structures, proteins, and pathways that humanity can leverage to make medicines, solvents, materials, and fuels.

    Themed ‘Accelerating Biotech Solutions to Aid a Changing World’, the 23rd Biochemical and Molecular Engineering Conference (BME 2024), will be a five-day event opening July 21 at the Royal Marine Hotel at Dun Laoghaire, outside Ireland’s capital, Dublin. The location reflects Ireland’s status as a rapidly developing hub for biotech and biopharma research and manufacturing.

    The event is organized by ECI with further information at:


    Click on enGenes secure significant funding for ECOnti E. Coli Continuous Manufacturing Project for further information.


    Meet the Partners - Co-Founder - Juergen Mairhofer

    enGenes Biotech to show -e<sup>x</sup>cite contribution to sustainable continuous biotech production at BME 2024 in Dublin

    BME Conference venue: Royal Marine Hotel, Dun Laoghaire, Dublin.

    enGenes Biotech to show -e<sup>x</sup>cite contribution to sustainable continuous biotech production at BME 2024 in Dublin

    enGenes Biotech CEO Dr. Jürgen Mairhofer.

    enGenes Biotech to show -e<sup>x</sup>cite contribution to sustainable continuous biotech production at BME 2024 in Dublin

    Dr. Natalia Danielewicz, Postdoctoral Researcher, enGenes Biotech.

    enGenes Biotech GmbH

    Contact Information
    Address: Muthgasse 11/Stiege 2, 1. Stock, 1190 Vienna, Austria
    Telephone No: +43 1 93 46 707-0
    Email Address: [email protected]
    Web Address:

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