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    BEA innovates filter marking and documentation protocols

    news-releasesBea Technologies S.p.A
    November 23rd 2023

    Milan, Italy: – Filtration specialist BEA Technologies (BEA) has revised its marking scheme for its filter elements to make them more legible and accessible.

    BEA has also upgraded user and installation instructions for its filter elements, now uploaded in BEA Website, to reduce paper consumption in line with its environmental priorities.

    New marking scheme

    In line with its Vision for Innovation, BEA has revised the marking scheme for filter elements in several ways.

    The first innovation is to replace CO2 laser marking with a Green Wave laser source.  This cold laser marking technology uses a 532 nm wavelength to mark materials resistant to infrared wavelengths, including sensitive or transparent plastics and reflective metals. The small spot diameter also offers very high micro marking quality and accuracy with minimal thermal stress.

    Second, BEA has made the transition from marking filters on the flat surface at end of filter external cage to placing markings on the Top Fin cap or on the extremities of the filter elements, where they can be more easily seen and read.

    The new marking scheme comes into effect starting from September 2023, and for a limited period, BEA filters in circulation will use both old and new marking schemes as previous stock is used up.

    Paperless instructions

    Following its Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) policies that emphasize reduced use of resources and greater sustainability, BEA Technologies has also decided to make its filter Use and Installation Instructions available directly online via its website at, with downloads available under the Certifications section.

    This will allow users to consult instructions online or print locally as required, reducing overall paper consumption, before they were inserted in the carton box of the filter elements.

    About BEA Technologies

    BEA Technologies S.p.A has been an active presence on the filtration market for the last 50 years, working successfully worldwide in various sectors, including beverage, chemicals and pharmaceutical markets.

    The company manufactures a wide range of innovative and high technology products to separate both solid particles, microorganisms – bacteria and endotoxins, removing them from liquid solutions, air and gas.

    The filters are produced in a certified cleanroom, in a controlled environment that is constantly monitored by computer systems to ensure that it complies with GMP (good manufacturing practice) requirements.

    Internally, the company is structured in such a way as to be able to guarantee, through its commercial service and laboratory service (SLB), timely and expert consulting service and after-sales assistance. The headquarters in Pero, just outside Milan, based on three facilities which occupy a surface area of 13,000 sqm. In the plant there are two cleanrooms where the company produces all its membrane filters and filter elements for use in food and pharmaceutical applications. In 1994, BEA became one of the first filtration companies in Italy to get its quality assurance system certified in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard, constantly renewed until now.

    To find out more, visit


    Click on BEA New marking position – Use and installation instructions to learn more.


    Learn more about BEA Technologies complete line of filters for the treatment of liquids and compressed Air/Gas

    BEA innovates filter marking and documentation protocols

    BEA filters can now be marked on semi-transparent fin cap or end plate, including NFC coding.

    Bea Technologies S.p.A

    Contact Information
    Address: Via Newton, 4 - 20016 Pero, Milano, Italy
    Telephone No: +39 02 339 271
    Email Address: [email protected]

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