Sourcing Comparator Drug Products for Clinical Trials

products-servicesWE Pharma Ltd
April 5th 2011

WE Pharma are experts in sourcing comparator drug products for clinical trials, rescue or concomitant medications as well as ancillary medical supplies that are required for clinical trials. We have an extensive network of suppliers that helps us find the right clinical trial comparator drug products for our customers. With our thorough knowledge of the UK and EU pharmaceutical markets we are experts in sourcing comparator drug products from all the major pharmaceutical companies. We procure and distribute comparator drug products for clinical trials as well as associated activities. Since we are solely involved in the procurement of clinical trials comparator drug products it has allowed us to form strong supply relationships with a wide network of pharmaceutical manufacturers and therefore becoming a leading partner in pharmaceutical product sourcing for clinical trials.
Comparator Drug Products
We analyse the viability of the comparator drug products that you require for clinical trials by utilizing our in-depth knowledge of international markets and then advise you according to your quantity and time line requirements. We check for feasibility of the products you require, availability, product discontinuation issues, formulation change issues and cost ensuring you get the best comparator drug products. QP services are available for the release of IMPs ready for clinical trial use and lab facilities for stability testing, formulation production and release testing. We also have access to QPs around the world if audits are required abroad. We also provide placebo manufacture, over-encapsulation services, IMP labelling and associated activities. To further assist you as a pharmaceutical comparator drug products sourcing partner we source and supply products that are specific to your clinical trial and may need to be specially manufactured to suit your needs i.e. suppositories/IV formulations etc. We regularly procure comparator drug products that may not be available in the dosage or formulation in your country.

WE Pharma Ltd

Contact Information
Address: Evans House, 107 Marsh Road, Pinner, HA5 5HQ, U.K
Telephone No: +44 (0) 208 222 6957