Sofrigam ensures the delivery of orders during the COVID-19 Pandemic

news-releasesSofrigam S.A
April 2nd 2020

Dear Sirs,

As a partner supplier to major pharmaceutical companies and hospitals, we know and appreciate more than ever our responsibility in the protection of vaccines and other temperature sensitive products shipments for your patients around the world.

Our role as a partner supplier is to ensure that our production activity is maintained so that we can meet your demands, however urgent, and that your core business can continue despite this unprecedented crisis situation.

Following the new provisions from our French government, we officially inform you today that each division of the Sofrigam Group (Sofrigam – Coldway Technologies – Ater Métrologie – La Boutique du Froid) has already taken the necessary measures in order to reinforce their internal sanitary controls and continue its production and service activity, in order to meet its delivery commitments and support its customers.

An emergency unit has been set up in order to anticipate and take the necessary decisions internally, and also to respond to any question our customers might have.

Below are the following contact numbers for each company:

Sales: Alain Schuerwegen +32 476 50 89 67
Head of sales administration: Caroline Bouchelliga +33 6 81 81 02 05

COLDWAY Technologies
Sales: Florence Orsega +33 6 63 20 68 57
SAV: Sylvain Guitard +33 772 05 71 51

La Boutique du Froid
Contact: Corinne Waterlot +33 3 66 72 08 56

Ater Métrologie
Contact: [email protected]

Please be assured of our total commitment.

Gilles Labranque, CEO Sofrigam Group
Laurence Labranque, Head of Sofrigam US and La Boutique du Froid

Sofrigam S.A

Contact Information
Address: 1 rue de l'Union, CS20137, 92565 Rueil Malmaison, Cedex, France
Telephone No: +33 (1) 46 69 85 00
Email Address: [email protected]