Reliable Calibration Solutions from Rotronic

products-servicesRotronic AG
March 26th 2020

Environmental measurement and monitoring specialist Rotronic offers users a range of solutions that make it easier for them to calibrate their probes and other measuring devices.

These solutions work both within the state-of-the-art Rotronic Monitoring System (RMS) and also as stand alone or third party products.

GxP compliant maintenance and calibration of measurement devices

GxP guidelines and regulations prescribe that all measurement devices must be correctly calibrated, routinely maintained and regularly recalibrated. Recalibration involves comparing measurement from the instrument against a ‘known quantity’ reference source.

Rotronic can offer or advise on various solutions to help achieve accurate calibration.

DIY calibration:

DIY calibration to Swiss Calibration Services (SCS) standards can be achieved by using the Rotronic salt solutions kit, consisting of packs of five hermetically sealed ampoules of the same humidity level. Each ampoule is labelled with the relative humidity (rH) value and a serial number. The values most commonly used are 35 % rH and 80 % rH, applied in two-point calibrations. For most standards, the ampoules contain an unsaturated saline solution. For the 0 % standard, Rotronic uses highly porous ceramic material (a molecular sieve).

Each set is supplied with an SCS certificate guaranteeing traceability and accuracy of the humidity standards used for calibration purposes. The kit can be used for on-site calibration and adjustment of Rotronic and some third-party probes, using the humidity standards, a calibration device and the HW4 software on a PC Without the software it is also possible to calibrate and adjust probes with Rotronic’s handheld HP23-A instrument.

Hygrometer test chamber

The Michell HygroCal100 or Rotronic HygroGen HG2-S or XL can both provide a stable test chamber to quickly evaluate the performance of temeprature and relative humidity sensors.

Since its launch the Rotronic HygroGen has defined the standard for portable humidity and temperature calibration systems, allowing rapid generation of stable temperature and humidity conditions to speed calibrations of all types of humidity instruments from all manufacturers. The HygroGen2 is embraced throughout the pharmaceutical industry as the leading instrument in its class and is favored in ISO17025 humidity calibration laboratories worldwide. Being portable and robust, it can be set up at the installation location allowing for complete system qualification.

The rock solid stability, minimal thermal gradients, and rapid time for set-point changes of HygroGen2-S are now replicated in a new family member: HygroGen2-XL, which incorporartes a chamber with ten times the capacity. The integrated Rotronic HW4 software is FDA 21 CFR part 11 compliant.

Options include “AutoCal” automated calibration, “Remote API” logging and control with third party software, temeeratiure anfd humidity range extensions and external MBW/RHS reference integration.

Mitchell S8000 high precision dew point calibration

Rotronic can also advise on how to achieve ultimate dew point calibration by using the Mitchell S8000 to set up a high-precision reference dew point mirror.

The new S8000 Hygrometer provides a direct measurement of dew point, temperature and pressure. Dew-point measurement is based on the proven, fundamental optical chilled mirror measurement principle, giving long-term drift-free humidity measurement over the entire operating range. The S8000 uses this measurement to offer a range of available measurement units including Part per Million by Volume (ppmV), absolute humidity, relative humidity and Parts per Million by Weight (ppmW). Instrument features include touch screen interface, USB, Ethernet, RS485 or RS232 connectivity and datalogging to SD card or via digital comms

Onsite calibration

If required, Rotronic’s leading metrologist, Richard Gee, can also help clients set up their own calibration laboratories. With the humidity standards, a calibration device and the HW4 software, this can be done easily at a PC. Without the software it is also possible to calibrate and adjust probes with the handheld instrument HP23-A.

With the onsite calibration service, Rotronic engineers will visit client facilities to calibrate ROTRONIC and some third-party devices based on specific requirements and SOPs.

Factory calibration

Rotronic can carry out traceable calibrations in its facilities to ISO-17025 standards. Rotronic offers SCS, NIST, UKAS and accredited calibrations with best-possible measurement uncertainty and 0ver a broad temperature and humidity range.

The Rotronic Instruments UK Ltd calibration laboratory is UKAS accredited for measurement of humidity, temperature and dew point, boasting the lowest measurement uncertainties of possibly any commercial laboratory in northern Europe.

Rotronic humidity sensors can be adjusted if found to be necessary to meet customer defined tolerances. The factory calibration service offers competitive pricing and a typical turnaround time of 72 hours for a three point relative humidity calibration.

Calibration devices

Every Rotronic sensor can be fitted with a companion calibration device: a small, metal airtight container that fits exactly to form an airtight enclosure around the sensor. The lower screw-on part is then filled with the humidity standard solution applied to a textile pad. The desired humidity value is reached following a settling period of typically 60 minutes at a constant temperature. The equipment can then be adjusted to match the reference humidity value. Rotronic can also construct appropriate calibration devices for humidity measurement equipment.


Click on Products for more information on Rotronic measurement solutions.

Reliable Calibration Solutions from Rotronic

Rotronic HygroGen HG2-S/XL portable test chamber

Reliable Calibration Solutions from Rotronic

Rotronic salt solutions kit

Reliable Calibration Solutions from Rotronic

Mitchell S8000 remote calibration devices

Rotronic AG

Contact Information
Address: Grindelstrasse 6, CH-8303 Bassersdorf, Switzerland
Telephone No: +41 44 838 11 11
Email Address: [email protected]