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    MEGGLE launching new InhaLac® 145 milled DPI lactose at DDL Edinburgh

    news-releasesMEGGLE Excipients
    November 30th 2023

    Wasserburg, Germany: – Pharmaceutical lactose specialist MEGGLE will use the Drug Delivery to the Lungs (DDL) Conference in Edinburgh, Scotland, to launch InhaLac® 145 as the latest addition to its wide range of lactose-based dry powder inhalation (DPI) excipients.

    MEGGLE has a long-standing relationship with the DDL conference, having been a consistent supporter and Silver Sponsor for several years.

    Increasing specificity

    For 2023, MEGGLE will again be a prominent exhibitor with a stand at Booth 173 at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre. InhaLac® 145 will be a centerpiece of the MEGGLE display of its sieved, milled and micronized DPI grade excipients.

    With its mean particle size of 35 µm, the new excipient bridges the small gap between the DPI milled lactose monohydrates InhaLac® 140 (50 μm) and InhaLac® 150 (24 μm) that were themselves launched at a previous DDL conference. This latest addition to an already comprehensive milled lactose range demonstrates MEGGLE’s strategy of offering ever more specific particle size distribution to meet the increasingly sophisticated needs of DPI drug formulators.

    Scientific presentations

    MEGGLE will also contribute to the DDL 2023 scientific agenda with two poster presentations from researchers who are PhD students at Kiel University, supported by MEGGLE colleagues.

    Jana Schembera and Regina Scherließ of Kiel University will present a poster on ‘Spray drying of mRNA lipoplexes to produce an inhalable dry powder formulation for mRNA vaccination’, with contributions from MEGGLE Business Development Manager Inhalation, Dr. Constanze Müller,  and Head of R&D, Ricarda Leister.

    Prof. Scherließ will also present a second poster, on ’The role of mechanical properties in DPI Carriers’, authored by Zeredescht Majid, again with support from Mrs. Leister and Dr. Müller.

    About MEGGLE

    Bavarian-based company MEGGLE is one of the world’s experts in co-processing and powder technology. From its roots as a dairy operation in the late 1880’s, MEGGLE has become one of the world’s leading manufacturers of pharmaceutical grade lactose, supplying the pharma market segment with a broad-based and unique lactose product portfolio.

    MEGGLE Business Unit Excipients has harnessed outstanding product quality and intelligent innovation to become a global leader in the manufacture of lactose-based excipients, focusing on products for direct tableting and dry powder inhalation.

    A multidisciplinary team of committed and highly qualified people allows MEGGLE clients to benefit from pioneering experience and innovative drive in industrial milk and whey processing. The company constantly strives to develop high-tech, functional products for solid dosage forms and DPI applications, where they can deliver maximum performance.

    The company has introduced several revolutionary products, notably Tablettose®, the world’s first agglomerated lactose grade for direct tableting, Cellactose® 80, a pioneering co-processed excipient based on cellulose-lactose for outstanding compression and flow properties and RetaLac®, the first direct compression co-processed excipient using a hypromellose-lactose base for sustained release formulations.

    To learn more, visit:

    About DDL 2023

    The Drug Delivery to the Lungs (DDL) Conference (DDL) has become one of the world’s  Premier International Pulmonary and Nasal Drug Delivery Conferences, providing an annual forum for scientists, academics, clinicians, regulatory and industry specialists involved in developing medicines for inhalation.

    The 34th anniversary meeting, DDL 2023, is a three-day event opening December 6, again at the Edinburgh International Conference Center at The Exchange close to University of Edinburgh.

    The 2023 conference will feature five themed sessions each with a combination of invited and submitted lectures given by experts in the field of inhalation and students working to advance respiratory science. Major themes will include digital technologies, novel formulations and processes, emerging therapeutics, and future challenges.

    The event is organized by The Aerosol Society, with more information at:


    Click on MEGGLE at DDL 2023 for more information.
    Click on Milled lactose for pulmonary and nasal drug delivery to learn more.
    Click on InhaLac Technical Brochure to download pdf brochure.
    Click on New from Meggle – InhaLac®145 to learn more.




    Experts in Excipients - The whole world of Lactose

    MEGGLE launching new InhaLac® 145 milled DPI lactose at DDL Edinburgh

    The MEGGLE brand has been represented at every DDL Edinburgh conference since 2012.

    MEGGLE launching new InhaLac® 145 milled DPI lactose at DDL Edinburgh

    InhaLac® 145 scanning electron microscopic image shows strong clustering of particle size  around the 20-50 µm  range.

    MEGGLE Excipients

    Contact Information
    Address: Megglestrasse 6-12, 83512 Wasserburg, Germany
    Telephone No: +49 8071 73-0
    Email Address: [email protected]

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