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    Innovative Watlow SELECT® Visual Designer tool allows easy online product configuration

    February 16th 2023

    World-leading Industrial heating solutions provider Watlow continues to add products and functions to its Watlow SELECT® Visual Designer® product configuration tool that allows customers to design their own bespoke thermal solutions online.

    SELECT® Visual Designer® uses evolving images to quickly and effectively communicate the features of the product being designed via the Watlow SELECT program.

    Enhanced ordering

    SELECT provides a buying experience that enables customers to quickly identify, configure and purchase some of Watlow’s most popular electric heater, temperature sensor, temperature controller and power controller products.

    The program already covers most of Watlow’s leading product ranges, including Temperature & Process Controllers, FIREROD® Cartridge Heaters, Power Controllers, FLUENT® In-Line Heaters, D and LDH Series Duct Heaters, ULTRAMIC® Advanced Ceramic Heaters, Circulation and Immersion Heaters, Temperature Sensors, Date loggers, F4T modules, EZ-ZONE® RM Modules, and WATCONNECT® Control Panels.

    Shape solution on screen

    The Visual Designer uses pictures for product option menus and provides a constantly updated drawing of the product being configured. Users simply click on the features needed and watch them appear in the drawing.

    The ideal solution takes shape on screen and in data as the user selects each desired specification, starting with basic dimensions and electrical parameters and extending on to specific connection interfaces, etc.

    SELECT Program

    SELECT Visual Designer, with its direct  guidance and real-time visual feedback, forms a core tool of the Watlow SELECT program that is dedicated to enhancing the buying experience for customers.

    Other benefits include enhanced ability to identify best performing products online and in Watlow product catalogs, quickly configure the product to fit the application, readily access drawings and technical content and accelerate the ordering and delivery processes.


    Click on Watlow SELECT to explore Visual Designer tool.
    Click on Watlow® Introduces its Watlow SELECT® Visual Designer® for further information.

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    Innovative Watlow SELECT® Visual Designer tool allows  easy online product configuration

    Watlow’s SELECT® Visual Designer tool covers almost every product group in its extensive range of thermal solutions.


    Contact Information
    Address: European Headquarters: Watlow Plasmatech GmbH, Brennhoflehen-Kellau 156, 5431 Kuchl, Austria
    Telephone No: +43 6244 201 29-0
    Email Address: [email protected]
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