Igloo Cool Medicines Pouch

products-servicesSofrigam S.A
July 7th 2015
Igloo is Sofrigam’s patented insulated packaging solution for storing heat-sensitive medicines in transit from the pharmacy to the patient’s home.Sofrigam has developed the Igloo cold pouch solution in collaboration with healthcare professionals. It bears the Certicold Pharma* label as a guarantee of quality and efficacy in protecting medicines at specific temperatures of between +2 °C and +8 °C.

Breakthrough product

The Igloo cooling kit represents a long-awaited innovation in the market for heat-sensitive medicines, allowing pharmaceutical companies to guarantee therapeutic quality of their medicines through to patient administration. The Igloo pouch is large enough to accommodate the vast majority of heat sensitive medicines.

It was created in response to a request from the French National Council of Pharmacists to provide an appropriate form of packaging with minimum built-in cooling capacity of 20 minutes It also satisfies the requirements of individual pharmacists for a cold transport and storage solution that is quick and easy to prepare and affordable to sell on or offer as added value for their customers.

Protecting cold chain medicines

Safeguarding the pharmaceutical cold chain for heat-sensitive medicines, such as vaccines, hormones and insulin, guarantees the integrity of medical treatments until they are administered. Once the medicine has been issued to the patient, it must constantly be stored at a temperature of between +2 °C and +8 °C in order to maintain its effectiveness.

The Igloo cooling solution comprises a complete kit of insulated pouch and eutectic gel to provide a cold source. Together, they can maintain internal temperature at between +2 °C and +8 °C for up to one hour.

Using Igloo

The Igloo procedure is straightforward: the pharmacist supplies the medicine in the Igloo pouch (stored at +5 °C), which maintains it at the correct temperature for up to 1 hour (based on the conditions defined on the label) without external refrigeration.

The patient then simply places the pouch in the domestic refrigerator, which maintains correct temperature indefinitely.

Finally, the patient takes the Igloo medicine pouch to the doctor’s appointment or other outing, without any additional preparation and with no risk of the medicine freezing.


The Igloo cooling kit offers the following customer and user benefits:

  • Assured storage and transport of medicines at temperatures of between +2 °C and +8 °C with no risk of freezing
  • Maintains cold chain temperatures for up to one hour without external cooling
  • The kit can be reused up to 50 times
  • Igloo can be personalized with specific company branding to become a marketing tool
  • Volume sufficient to accommodate 80% of heat-sensitive medicines


Click on Igloo Cool Medicines Pouch for more information.
Click on Sofrigam SA to contact the company directly.

Igloo Medicine Pouch

Igloo Medicine Pouch

Supplier Information
Supplier: Sofrigam SA
Address: 212 avenue Paul Doumer, 92508 Rueil Malmaison, Cedex, France
Tel: +33 (1) 46 69 85 00
Fax: +33 (1) 47 25 98 44
Website: www.sofrigam.com

Sofrigam S.A

Contact Information
Address: 1 rue de l'Union, CS20137, 92565 Rueil Malmaison, Cedex, France
Telephone No: +33 (1) 46 69 85 00
Email Address: [email protected]