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    Evercyte hosts Season 2 of kidney toxicity training

    news-releasesEvercyte GmbH
    October 4th 2017

    Vienna, Austria: – Evercyte, one of Europe’s leading providers of cell-based products, is to host Season 2 of its two-day training course on Kidney Toxicity Testing and Best Practices next month.

    The course, offering hands-on-training laboratory practice, will be held at Evercyte’s Vienna headquarters, on October 30-31.

    The course is co-hosted by the Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT) Academy program jointly organized by University of Konstanz and Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, USA.

    Hands-on training

    The workshop will feature presentations and hands-on trainings from Biopredic International, VU University, Amsterdam, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, Certara Simcyp, 3T Analytik and Austria’s Environmental Agency.

    Lectures from all presenters can also be viewed via webinar hosted on the EventBrite platform.

    Sr. Matthias Wieser, Head of cell line development at Evercyte will also take a leading role in conducting hands-on-training sessions focusing on cell culture of telomerized kidney cells, treatment with chemicals, analysis of stress response and end-point measurements (e.g. TEER, lactate secretion, genotoxicity and Raman microspectroscopy.

    Toxicity models

    “We will be presenting our kidney cell models, focusing on proximal tubular epithelial cells and podocytes, giving hands-on-training on these models especially for in vitro toxicity testing,” said Regina Grillari, Evercyte’s Chief Technology Officer, who is organizing the event.

    “This course is primarily aimed at industry, CRO, and laboratory researchers, technicians and toxicologists, for whom availability of human highly relevant and standardizable in vitro model systems are key success factors,” said Dr. Grillari.

    About Evercyte

    Evercyte GmbH, based in Vienna, manufactures a range of innovative cell-based products; including primary/normal cells; telomerase (hTERT) immortalized or life span extended cells and differentiated cells from immortalized or normal stem cells.

    Recently, Evercyte has become a key player in the development of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells from human urine as a non-invasive source for generating cell material. The company also offers a range of cell-based assays, used in development of drug screening strategies and other applications. It also develops assays to individual specification to help customers reduce their time and spend on drug discovery and development.

    Systematically establishing and commercializing relevant cell model systems from donors of different genetic backgrounds, Evercyte’s Pharmacocellomics™ is also improving the predictability of substance efficiencies and side effects in the general population.

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