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    Environmental Water Management Solutions

    products-servicesEnviroChemie GmbH
    April 3rd 2012

    EnviroChemie provides environmental water management solutions to minimise your expenses and maximise efficiency.

    EnviroChemie has built up 15 years’ experience in water management. EnviroChemie can cut your costs whilst maintaining the production quality of your plant. By applying our environmental water management solutions we can substantially reduce the total cost of your plants.

    EnviroChemie will take into consideration the total life span of the plant without making concessions on quality. EnviroChemie will produce the precise water quality you require for your process. Subsequently, we will treat the water to your particular standards or to official guidelines.

    EnviroChemie will assume full responsibility for your water plants. We will assume responsibility for all water qualities ranging from ultra pure down to highly contaminated wastewater. We will assume responsibility for water volumes between 5 and 50,000m3 per day.

    Environmental water management solutions contain the following features, transparent costs, safe processes, on-going process optimisation, highly economical and partnership for system solutions.

    Currently, when EnviroChemie are designing new plants, all the factors relating to operating costs are taken into consideration. Even in the case of old plants, EnviroChemie examine the entire process on the site before providing a concept that is custom made for your situation.

    EnviroChemie will set out measures designed to reduce the running costs of your water or wastewater plants. EnviroChemie are continually pursuing improvement possibilities (CIP).

    Environmental water management solutions are comprised of modules. These modules are individually combined to form a water management package that suits each individual requirement.


    Determine your plant's CO₂ emissions and discover which processes significantly impact your carbon footprint, as well as optimising your processes to reduce CO₂ emissions


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