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    enGenes White Paper: Advancing Biotechnology with enGenes-express™

    white-paperenGenes Biotech GmbH
    September 11th 2024

    enGenes has published a White Paper that provides an introduction and scientific overview of its -eXpress™, its innovative growth-decoupled technology platform for enhanced recombinant protein expression.

    The White Paper Advancing Biotechnology with enGenes-eXpress™: Efficient Recombinant Protein Expression for Industrial Applications explains how the platform enables enhance higher yield production of difficult-to-express proteins by leveraging inducible growth decoupling and optimized expression conditions.

    The paper shows how the -eXpress™ system uses a phage T7 RNA polymerase (RNAP) inhibitor, Gp2, to decouple bacterial growth from product formation, allowing optimization of the cellular metabolism towards recombinant protein production (RPP), mimicking the late phase of a bacterio-phage infection. In turn, this achieves higher cell densities and maximizes the allocation of cellular resources towards recombinant protein synthesis rather than biomass growth. Together, these add up to superior recombinant protein yields.

    The paper goes on to explain the main features and advantages of the technology, including:

    • Inducible Growth Decoupling: Decoupling growth from production allows the cells to focus their metabolic resources on producing the desired protein rather than on cell division and maintenance, resulting in a more efficient and controlled production process, higher yields and better final product quality.
    • Enhanced Protein Yield and Quality: By  fine-tuning  the  expression  environment, enGenes-eXpress™ ensures that proteins are not only produced in higher quantities but also in a functional, bioactive state.
    • Increased Leakiness and Protein Secretion: related enGenes-eXtra™ technology enables the extracellular production of recombinant proteins by secretion, offering enhanced cost-effectiveness through reduced downstream processing needs.
    • Superior Tunability: Tunable expression controlled by L-arabinose allows for precise regulation of protein production rates, to maintain cell health and optimize quality., especially in challenging proteins and those that require specific folding conditions.
    • High Specific Activity: Enzymes produced in the enGenes-eXpress™ strain have demonstrated almost 8-fold increase in specific enzyme activity compared to standard strains, translating to more protein production, releasing further cost savings downstream.
    • Reduced Metabolic Burden: Decoupling growth from production reduces the competition for cellular resources, leading to improved cell viability and prolonged production phases. This approach is particularly beneficial for large-scale fermentations.

    The paper also reviews ideal applications for the technology in biopharmaceutical production to produce complex proteins, in industrial biocatalysis for production of specialty chemicals, and in R&D to provide laboratories with a reliable and scalable expression system for study of protein structure and function and development of new biotechnological applications.

    The final section of the White Paper details case studies that quantify the superior yields obtainable using -eXpress™, as well as highlighting its advantages in high cell density (HCD) cultures, and application of its leakiness and secretion functions.

    In summary, the White Paper shows how enGenes-eXpress™ technology represent a significant advance in recombinant protein production, paving the way for further advancements in biotechnology.


    Meet the Partners - Co-Founder - Juergen Mairhofer


    enGenes Biotech GmbH

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