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    enGenes Biotech supports Vienna-based initiative to establish serology test for Covid-19

    news-releasesenGenes Biotech GmbH
    April 27th 2020

    Vienna, Austria: – Recombinant proteins specialist CDMO enGenes Biotech GmbH (enGenes) has entered a new project in collaboration with Vienna’s University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) and other partners to produce SARS CoV-2 antigens and establish a serology test to determine coronavirus SARS-Cov-2 antibody titers.

    The research project could play a significant role in developing a cost-effective vaccine and advanced antibody testing regimes to combat the global pandemic viral infection.

    Autoimmune response

    The asymptomatic Covid-19 group do not show the typical symptoms of COVID-19, including high temperature, dry cough, loss of taste/smell or fatigue. Nevertheless, it is believed this group eventually develops an immune response that protects them against reinfection.

    Austrian researcher Prof. Florian Krammer, Scientific Advisor to enGenes Biotech, has developed a test protocol for the first non-commercial antibody test at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York.

    As a BOKU spin-off, enGenes Biotech is supporting the project in establishing serological tests, drawing on its recombinant protein expertise and applying its highly efficient growth-decoupled enGenes-eXpress expression in Escherichia coli platform to manufacture top-quality recombinant virus proteins and plasmid DNA as required for establishing these tests.

    Adaptable manufacturing response

    “The adaptability and responsiveness of our proprietary -eXpress platform makes it highly useful in rapidly establishing manufacturing of the highly specific recombinant proteins and plasmid DNA needed to combat the CV-19 threat,” commented enGenes Biotech CEO, Dr. Juergen Mairhofer.

    “Recombinant proteins can be used directly for serological testing whereas high quality plasmid DNA is necessary for quickly producing glycoproteins like the CoV-2 Spike protein in mammalian cells,” Dr. Mairhofer explained.

    “We are engaging in this project on a non-profit basis as part of our commitment to society and sustainable development and in recognition that we have been supported by public funding in the past,” said Juergen Mairhofer.

    About enGenes Biotech

    enGenes Biotech GmbH (enGenes) is a contract research, development and manufacturing company that provides leading edge technologies and production services focused on recombinant proteins in bacteria. The company’s mission is to provide cost-effective and scalable production of recombinant proteins at a fraction of current cost, allied to a vision of developing a world-class portfolio of cutting-edge protein production technologies, relevant to a broad spectrum of application fields.

    enGenes has developed advanced technologies to drive more cost-effective recombinant protein production processes, including its proprietary enGenes-eXpress™ E. coli platform that achieves outstanding yields of soluble and active recombinant protein. enGenes-eXpress has been successfully applied for the manufacturing of enzymes and biopharmaceutical products that failed to give economically feasible yields in a conventional expression host.

    enGenes Biotech offers development and manufacturing services tailored around the needs of pharmaceutical and industrial biotech companies. The services include expression strain and vector development, fermentation process development and optimization, downstream process development, production of purified protein, technology transfer and scale-up support with technology out-licensing and co-development opportunities.


    Click on LISA Vienna to see details of all Austrian-based CV-19 initiatives.


    Meet the Partners - Co-Founder - Juergen Mairhofer


    enGenes Biotech GmbH

    Contact Information
    Address: Muthgasse 11/Stiege 2, 1. Stock, 1190 Vienna, Austria
    Telephone No: +43 1 93 46 707-0
    Email Address: [email protected]
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