Cellular Senescence Assay (SA-ß-Gal): Blue is good

products-servicesNordic BioSite AB
July 15th 2016


Nordic BioSite’s Cellular Senescence Assays provide an efficient system for measuring Senescence Associated ß-galactosidase (SA-ß-Gal). The assay catalyzes the hydrolysis of X-gal, turning the senescent cells blue to identify them.


Normal primary cells proliferate in culture for a limited number of population doublings prior to undergoing terminal growth arrest and acquiring a senescent phenotype. Research into the pathways that positively regulate senescence and ways cells bypass senescence is therefore critical in understanding carcinogenesis.

It is a constant challenge to Identifying and isolate senescent cells that are characterized by an irreversible G1 growth arrest involving the repression of genes that drive cell cycle progression and the upregulation of cell cycle inhibitors, making them resistant to mitogen-induced proliferation.

Senescent cells show common biochemical markers such as expression of an acidic senescence-associated β-galactosidase (SA-β-gal) activity.

The SA-ß-Gal activity is a universal marker for any senescent cell and this assay is therefore applicable to all cell types. The assay can be applied to tissues (resuspended in the included lysis buffer) as well as any cells in suspension.


Users of this assay system can use the different kits to:

  • Visualize results with the Cellular Senescence Staining Kit
  • Measure senescence by flow cytometry or epifluorescence microscopy using the Cellular Senescence Flow Cytometry Assay
  • Quantify senescence activity on a fluorescence plate reader, using the 96-Well Cellular Senescence Activity Assay

The Cellular Senescence Activity Assay (Cat# CBA-231) is designed as a 96-well assay for 120 tests with fluorometric detection.


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Supplier Information
Supplier: Nordic Biosite
Address: Propellervägen 4A, 183 62 Täby, Sweden
Tel: +46 (0)8 544 433 40
Fax: +46 (0)8 756 94 90
Website: www.nordicbiosite.com