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    Aurena introduces Sparkling Saline Nasal Spray

    products-servicesAurena Laboratories
    September 5th 2017


    Aurena Laboratories AB has worked in partnership with Clover Hill Healthcare of the USA to develop Sparkling Saline as a patent-protected technology platform for carbonated medical products that can be leveraged across numerous line extensions and private label products.

    Sparkling Saline provides a unique, refreshing, and invigorating treatment experience among consumers who use nasal sprays.

    The initial available products range is CE-marked as class IIa medical devices and will be applied to consumer products for Allergy, Cold & Cough, Sinus Relief and Daily Nasal Care, where careful formulation with carbon dioxide (CO2) provides a demonstrably better patient experience as well as benefits such as faster and more complete nasal relief.


    Carbon Dioxide provides the unique sensory cue for Sparkling Saline. In addition, it enhances the wetting properties of the saline, has disruptive effects on bio-films and thick mucus, creates a hostile environment for pathogens, and imparts a neutralizing effect on certain allergens/inflammatory mediators.

    In-vitro data supports Sparkling Saline effectiveness in reducing/disrupting nasal bio-films, a cause of upper respiratory infection, chronic sinusitis, and associated with poor patient outcomes in post-operative recovery.

    Sparkling Saline has a lower pH than regular saline, making it more hostile to harmful bacteria and viruses.

    Sparkling Saline has superior wetting properties than regular saline due to surface tension changes caused by degassing of carbon dioxide from the saline liquid. Enhanced wetting properties can have a positive effect on mucus thinning as well as clearing of mucus and inhaled debris. In addition, consumers inherently understand that bubbles/effervescence are intrinsically linked to superior cleansing.

    Aurena is responsible for world-wide manufacturing, from its modern FDA-inspected facility in Karlstad, Sweden, where it opened the world’s first production line for sparkling saline sprays in May 2016.


    Sparkling Saline can form the basis for a range of ready-developed, market-oriented, CE-Approved products and well-documented products, with short time to market. These products will be unique, patent protected and can be well supported with scientific evidence, regulatory expertise and certification. For US-market the products can initially be classified as cosmetics and for the Canadian market as natural health products.

    Product formulations can include:

    • Sparkling ringer solution
    • Sparkling isotonic saline
    • Sparkling hypertonic saline
    • Sparkling isotonic natural seawater
    • Sparkling hypertonic natural seawater


    Sparkling Saline is a drug-free natural product technology based on advanced and innovative formulations. Patented status provides protection against generic/store brands and allows premium niche marketing based upon the following benefits:

    • Superior sensory impact and consumer experience
    • Allows for numerous, differentiated claims vs. regular saline sprays (“works faster to unblock nasal passages”, “provides active cleansing”, and “penetrates deeper”)
    • Greater duration of congestion relief than current saline products
    • Advanced technology

    Aurena welcomes brand owners from around the world to discuss this new opportunity.


    Your Partner in Bag-On-Valve – Medical Devices

    Aurena introduces Sparkling Saline Nasal Spray

    Sparking Saline supports premium products


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