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    ARTES recombinant antigens, proteins, and enzymes

    products-servicesARTES Biotechnology GmbH
    March 13th 2024

    ARTES introduces a new business segment: the sale of proteins as lab reagents!

    ARTES high-quality products are produced in the company´s proprietary Hansenula polymorpha or E.coli platforms using cutting edge technologies. They are specifically designed for research in food, vaccine and diagnostic as well as life sciences in general.

    Thanks to ARTES’ extensive experience in biotechnological research, the offer is of high-quality products. It includes a wide range of recombinant proteins such as antigens, enzymes, and functional proteins. As the latest addition to the product range, ARTES is currently developing together with its partner Basic Pharma Technologies recombinant Human Serum Albumin in Hansenula.


    Under the category ‘Antigens’ ARTES offers a range of different recombinant VLP-based proteins. These proteins are suitable as reference in virus analysis, vaccine development and diagnostics in the work with human papillomavirus (HPV) or hepatitis B virus. All recombinantly produced antigens are manufactured in the yeast Hansenula.

    These include:

    • HBSAG ADW2: A recombinant small surface antigen of human Hepatitis B virus, subtype adw2
    • HPV11 L1: Recombinant L1 protein of Human Papilloma Virus serotype 11
    • HPV6 L1: Recombinant L1 protein of Human Papilloma Virus serotype 6
    • HPV16 L1: Recombinant L1 protein of Human Papilloma Virus serotype
    • HPV18 L1: Recombinant L1 protein of Human Papilloma Virus serotype 18
    • HPV33 L1: Recombinant L1 protein of Human Papilloma Virus serotype 33


    The ‘Enzyme’ section currently contains the following reagents:

    • Inorganic Pyrophosphatase: His-tagged recombinant hydrolase (iPPase, EC cloned from  cerevisiaeand overexpressed in H. polymorpha. The enzyme is active as dimer and requires divalent cations such as Mg 2+ to catalyze the reaction.
    • T7 RNA Polymerase: Recombinant his-tagged. (T7 RNAP, EC is a DNA-directed RNA polymerase cloned from bacteriophage T7 and overexpressed in polymorpha. The enzyme is active as monomer and shows high specificity for its genuine promoter sequence.
    • Endoglycosidase H (Endo H, EC is a recombinant glycosidase cloned from Streptomyces plicatusand is overexpressed in  coli. Endo H cleaves within the diacetylchitobiose core of high mannose oligosaccharides linked to asparagine resulting in the separation of two N-acetylglucosamin residues. This enzymatic reaction works faster and more completely for denatured glycoproteins.

    Functional Proteins 

    ARTES offers the recombinant protein Brazzein in the ‘Functional Proteins’ category. This protein originates from the Pentadiplandra brazzeana plant and is known for its intense sweetness. It is water-soluble, heat-stable, and has taste properties similar to carbohydrate sweeteners. ARTES will soon add monellin as, yet another peptide sweetener offered.


    Click on ARTES Product Sales for further information.


    ARTES Biotechnology is a globally working, well established and reliable technology provider for recombinant protein production.

    ARTES recombinant antigens, proteins, and enzymes

    ARTES Biotechnology GmbH

    Contact Information
    Address: Elisabeth-Selbert-Str. 9, 40764 Langenfeld, Germany
    Telephone No: +49 (0) 2173 27587 0
    Email Address: [email protected]

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