Pharma 4.0: Line Optimization and Guided Workflows with Körber’s innovative solutions

products-servicesPharma Consulting
July 19th 2023

Körber offers an outstanding Augmented Reality (AR) solution for some of the biggest challenges in pharma production: line clearance and format change.

Körber’s Line Optimizer brings manufacturers closer to the Pharma 4.0 vision of completely digitally integrated ‘smart factories’ capable of handling very customer specific batches in a streamlined way.

Line Optimizer Execute and Manage

As in every other sector, digitization has become a hot topic for the pharmaceutical industry.

The transition to paperless manufacturing in GxP environments has focused new attention on format change and line clearance processes.

Körber has developed an advanced solution with its Line Optimizer that tackles many challenges on the pharma shop-floor, including these two needs. Its “Execute” function makes quality-relevant changeover processes simple and secure, while its “Manage” function achieves line optimizations effortlessly using AR workflows.

Both solutions can be delivered as part of a holistic end-to-end approach on which Körber consultants accompany the customer from the initial idea through to a fully tailored digitization strategy, including customized implementation, and ongoing technical support.

“A guided workflow project utilizing augmented reality provides a reliable entry into paperless production,” explains VP Global Operations Consulting Michael Völlinger.

Guided workflows

In conventional setups, operators must be ‘trained in place’, in physical proximity to the machine on which they will be working.

With Line Optimizer – Execute, operators are trained using a technique instead of a machine. As a result, the team can carry out its tasks without overlaps.

Workflows such as format changing, or line clearances, can be carried out in parallel and passed on seamlessly to the next operator at shift change.  Inbuilt user guidance displays prevent any process steps from being inadvertently left out. This avoids errors, increasing machine availability by up to 30%, while simultaneously reducing downtimes, lowering training costs and use of resources.


Line Optimizer – Manage allows control of an entire production line from a single HMI, regardless of where the operator is situated. This eliminates the need to train operators on all the different machine-specific HMIs found in the plant.

Its “Manage” function also allows OEE key performance indicators to be called up at any time, making all data, including stop reasons, available in order to take on further measures for OEE improvements.

The system can even take care of data transfer to MES solutions or other local data systems, where needed.


Click on Körber Line Optimizer Solution for system overview.
Click on Line Optimizer – Execute to learn more about increasing machine availability.
Click on Line Optimizer – Manage for further information on harmonizing equipment interfaces and centralizing data.
Click on Analysis of AR workflows in production for case study.

The value of simplicity

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Pharma 4.0: Line Optimization and Guided Workflows with Körber’s innovative solutions

Körber Line Optimizer uses AR technology to turn centralized control, remote operation augmented training into realities.

Pharma 4.0: Line Optimization and Guided Workflows with Körber’s innovative solutions

Michael Völlinger, Business Director Consulting.

Pharma Consulting

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