Novo Nordisk Pharmatech welcomes new CEO

news-releasesNovo Nordisk Pharmatech A/S
April 29th 2021

Koege, Denmark: – World-leading insulin and quaternary compounds (Quats) specialist Novo Nordisk Pharmatech A/S welcomes Ulla Grove Krogsgaard Thomsen as its new Chief Executive Officer.

Dr. Grove Krogsgaard Thomsen succeeds Rasmus Hother le Fevre, who departed at the beginning of March 2021 after eight years as CEO to take up a new position at Ferrosan Medical Devices.

Research and product background

The new CEO arrives from the parent company Novo Nordisk A/S with a strong background in Research & Development and Product Supply, with Masters and Doctorate from University of Copenhagen. Over 24 years at Novo Nordisk, she has worked in a variety of different roles, with more than half that time spent in research positions. This includes six years as Corporate Vice President for Protein Engineering in the Biopharm Research Unit, and more  recently in Product Supply as CVP of API production, a strong growth area for Novo Nordisk Pharmatech.

Since 2019, Dr. Grove Krogsgaard Thomsen has been a board member at Novo Nordisk Pharmatech with particular focus on the company’s new long-term mission of enabling better medicines through advanced ingredients. Board membership has given her in depth knowledge of Novo Nordisk Pharmatech products, values and goals with a clear vision of long term strategy.

Top priorities

Ulla Grove Krogsgaard Thomsen commented: “I truly commit to enabling better medicines by providing sustainable pharmaceutical materials through innovative and customized solutions. The keywords match my ambitions, professional forces and natural focus. I am very eager to start executing.”

“My top priorities the coming months will be to continue to deliver high quality products to both Novo Nordisk and the leading pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical companies worldwide and sustain the global sales growth. We are also finalizing our new multipurpose production line aimed at delivering new specialized enzymes serving the biopharmaceutical and regenerative medicine market. However, most importantly, I look forward to getting to know my new colleagues at Novo Nordisk Pharmatech,” she added.

Dynamic value chain

The value chain at Novo Nordisk Pharmatech differs from the rest of Novo Nordisk in several significant respects. Primarily, the company enables medicines by delivering Quats and Recombinant Insulin to the global pharma and biopharma industry. It has been producing quaternary compounds (Quats) for more than 70 years, with more than 30 years of GMP manufacturing experience. Some 70% of sales are now to external customers worldwide.

A further important difference is the lifecycle of developing a new product. At Novo Nordisk the timeline from idea to market is at least ten years, but at Novo Nordisk Pharmatech it’s a fraction of that.

Celebrating agility

“The fact that you can reap the benefits of your efforts – both strategy and products – so fast will be something new to me, surely satisfying and very interesting. I am very curious to be involved in such a fast product development cycle and I am really looking forward to getting my hands on it,” said Ulla Grove Krogsgaard Thomsen.

“I think of Novo Nordisk Pharmatech as a golden company with a lot of enthusiasm. This suits me very well. The vivid spirit of the company makes me think of my favorite Norwegian saying about wild salmons: ‘It’s more fun trying to tame a wild salmon than trying to breathe new life into a dead herring’. In my opinion, it’s good to have the courage to be innovative and a little wild, rather than being limited and restricted,” she observed.

About Novo Nordisk Pharmatech A/S

Novo Nordisk Pharmatech A/S was established in 1949, acquired by Novo Nordisk in 1986 and has been part of the pharmaceutical group since then.

Novo Nordisk Pharmatech A/S is the leading worldwide supplier of recombinant insulin for cell growth media and pharmaceutical grade quaternary ammonium compounds (Quats) for the pharma and biopharmaceutical industries.

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Click on Novo Nordisk Pharmatech’s New CEO has a Head Start for further information.


Quaternary Ammonium Compounds (Quats) against viruses

Novo Nordisk Pharmatech welcomes new CEO

Dr. Ulla Grove Krogsgaard Thomsen is the new CEO for Novo Nordisk Pharmatech A/S

Novo Nordisk Pharmatech A/S

Contact Information
Address: Koebenhavnsvej 216, 4600 Koege, Denmark
Telephone No: +45 566 71000
Email Address: [email protected]