Novo Nordisk Pharmatech at BPI Digital

news-releasesNovo Nordisk Pharmatech A/S
November 27th 2020

Koege, Denmark: – World-leading recombinant insulin and quaternary ammonium compounds (Quats) specialist Novo Nordisk Pharmatech A/S will be a high profile presence at next month’s BioProcess International (BPI) Digital Week online event

Novo Nordisk Pharmatech will contribute to the scientific agenda, with a presentation on upgrading cell stem cultures.

Enzyme and macrocarriers

Theis Guldbech, International Sales Manager for Novo Nordisk Pharmatech, will join Dr. Geraldine Chiew, Senior Scientist in Esco® Aster’s Stem Cell Department, to describe stem cell culture optimization using a combination of Novo Nordisk Pharmatech’s GMP grade TrypsiNNex™ trypsin enzyme, now in final development, and Esco Aster BioNOC™ II macrocarriers.

Their presentation, starting at 1500hrs (UT) on Day One of BPI Digital Week (December 7, 2020) will outline the advantages of using TrypsiNNex in 2D and 3D with BioNOC II macrocarriers in cell cultures when compared to available state-of-the-art benchmark proteins, covering cell dissociation, reseeding, cell differentiation and phenotypic markers.

Large-scale manufacturing application

Mr. Guldbech and Dr. Chiew will also present findings from studies of 3D BioNOC II carriers and tide motion bioreactors for large scale manufacturing of cells, along with a small-scale proof of concept method used in subsequent experiments to access cell growth and detachment in the carriers

This work has identified optimal concentrations for 2D and 3D culture detachment and compares this new combination with adipogenic, chondrogenic and osteogenic differentiation for confirming of cell line identity post detachment from 3D carriers by surface marker characterization.

Novo Nordisk Pharmatech has become an established presence at BioProcess International events. This is its first contribution as a speaker during BPI Week. The company is planning to launch TrypsiNNex™ during 2021.

About Novo Nordisk Pharmatech A/S

Novo Nordisk Pharmatech A/S was established in 1949, acquired by Novo Nordisk in 1986 and has been part of the pharmaceutical group since then.

Novo Nordisk Pharmatech A/S is the leading worldwide supplier of Recombinant Insulin for cell growth media and pharmaceutical grade quaternary ammonium compounds (Quats) for the pharma and biopharmaceutical industries.

Learn more at:

About BPI Digital Week Fall 2020

BioProcess International (BPI) is the brand for a series of landmark events dedicated to bioprocessing, highlighting the sciences, technologies and partners needed to accelerate promising biologics to market.

Replacing the normal BioProcess International Fall physical conference, due to COVID-19 restrictions, BPI Fall Digital Week, is a series of free-to-attend webinars, featuring live technology r demonstrations presented by leading scientists and engineers working across the entire spectrum of biopharmaceutical development and production.

The four-day virtual event opens on December 7, 2020.

The event is organized by Informa Connect with further information at: BioProcess International Fall Digital Week


Click on Esco Aster Macrocarrier (BioNOC™ II) for further information.


Quaternary Ammonium Compounds (Quats) against viruses


Novo Nordisk Pharmatech A/S

Contact Information
Address: Koebenhavnsvej 216, 4600 Koege, Denmark
Telephone No: +45 566 71000
Email Address: [email protected]