Finding the right prescription of flexibility, handling, and speed

news-releasesBonfiglioli Engineering S.r.l.
March 9th 2022

Hello from the B.E. Exchange team,

Single-dose pharmaceuticals require special handling and flexible, accurate leak testing equipment to ensure consistent quality. Are you up to speed?

Whether your pharmaceuticals are packaged in vials, syringes, or BFS ampoules or capsules, special handling and high speeds are required to ensure quality and reduce waste. Leak testing equipment that integrates directly into your production line and is flexible enough to accommodate a variety of tests on a variety of packaging types delivers the greatest benefit — in terms of consumer safety, brand protection, productivity, and profit.

Contact Bonfiglioli Engineering to find out more about how we can help you get up to speed on the right leak testing solution for your pharmaceutical production line.

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Bonfiglioli Engineering – Company Profile

Finding the right prescription of flexibility, handling, and speed

Bonfiglioli Engineering S.r.l.

Contact Information
Address: Via Amerigo Vespucci, 20, 44124 Ferrara, Italy
Telephone No: +39 0532 715 631
Email Address: [email protected]