Patent and Literature Searches

products-servicesPolyCrystalLine S.R.L.
May 22nd 2012

PolyCrystalLine provide the highest level of patent and literature searches. Our close working relationship with the academic world allow us provide novel approaches to any patenting concerns.

In order to ascertain publications and patents in relation to a project the initial step is to conduct a patent and literature search. Patent searches are used to examine the patent status of a particular product to avoid patent breaches.

Our crystallographic, scientific, technical and patent databases allows for such searches to be carried out. The information available on the database relates to the patent held on the innovation in question and from this we are able to determine the most appropriate course of action to protect the patent.

Training and Education
To better understand patent information related to solid-state investigations PolyCrystalLine offer bespoke training courses for your end users. PolyCrystalLine offer quality professional training and will impart the knowledge and the skills specific to your needs.

For more information or to discuss patent and literature searches please contact us directly.