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    MEDELPHARM to attend Compaction Simulation Forum 2014

    June 6th 2014

    Beynost, France: – Specialist manufacturer of R&D Tablet Presses and provider of innovative solutions in powder compaction simulation MEDELPHARM have announced that they will be attending the Compaction Simulation Forum 2014 this month in Philadelphia.

    MEDELPHARM offer a comprehensive range of Powder Compaction and Characterisation Services as well as troubleshooting and continual support which all play a role in helping to achieve long-term targets of reducing transposition and manufacturing costs and increasing production efficiency.

    MEDELPHARM’s product range includes the bespoke STYLCAM Rotary Press replicator, the R&D tablet press STYL’One Classic and the new STYL’One Evolution, an even more flexible multilayer compaction simulator with dry-coating device for 1 or 2 cores.

    MEDELPHARM’s products are also available through ROMACO-Kilian throughout the world.


    MEDELPHARM, headquartered near Lyon in France, is a manufacturer of R&D Presses and distributor of innovative solutions in powder compaction simulation and tableting. MEDELPHARM machinery is capable of characterizing, developing and processing almost any compressible substance.

    In addition to laboratory tablet presses, MEDELPHARM also offers a comprehensive range of powder compaction and characterization services
    as well as troubleshooting and production support.

    The company’s global team of experts in engineering, software development, tableting technologies and formulation can offer advice on all process issues from initial research to full-scale production.

    The MEDELPHARM Laboratory based at University of Lyon is equipped with the latest technology and instruments to provide ideal test and demonstration platforms. The company operates ongoing liaison programmes with international universities that specialize in pharmaceutical technology, pharmaceutics and food to ensure most up-to-date knowledge on latest trends and innovations.

    Having built up a respected profile in supplying pharma, food and other industries, MEDELPHARM has recently widened its marketing efforts to the cosmetics and metal powder and catalyst markets.

    About Compaction Simulation Forum 2014

    The Compaction Simulation Forum (CSF) was created to reach-out to commercial, industrial and academic participants with a shared interest in the field of Compaction Simulation. The forum hopes to better leverage industry, academic and learning , exchanging experience with compaction simulation.

    In addition to the Compaction Simulator Forum, MEDELPHARM customers benefit from a” private club of STYLCAM/STYL’One Users” exchanging on Medelpharm technology and participating in its innovations.

    CSF2014 will take place in Philadelphia on 09-11 June 2014, the Forum will be held at the Chemical Heritage Foundation, in the Old City of Philadelphia, next to Independence Hall.


    Click on MEDELPHARM to attend Compaction Simulation Forum 2014 for other information.


    Particle Morphology Influence on Tablet Characteristics


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