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    Medelpharm demonstrates tab-in-tab capabilities at AGPI Oral Controlled Release Workshop

    August 1st 2017

    Beynost, France: – Research-based manufacturer and powder compaction specialists Medelpharm successfully demonstrated its contribution to sustained release formulations at July’s inaugural APGI Workshop on Oral Controlled Release solid dosage forms.

    Medelpharm brought its latest STYL’One Evolution Multilayer Tableting Instrument, which now runs 60 percent faster and delivers 40 percent greater output, to the workshop in Lille, Northern France.


    In a series of 20-minute ‘live’ demonstrations, the Medelpharm team at AGP were able to show how STYL’One’s tab-in-tab (or press coating) capabilities could support sustained release formulations.

    The STYL’One demonstrations also highlighted the instrument’s sophisticated ANALIS Data acquisition features and options that include external lubrication and different containment solutions. Accompanying video highlighted the multifunctional capabilities of Medelpharm instruments.

    Sustained release solid dosage forms

    The AGPI Lille workshop was the first time that France’s Association de Pharmacie Galénique Industrielle has dedicated an event to oral-controlled release solid dosage forms including matrix systems and coated dosage forms, such as tablets, pellets and capsules.

    The one-day event at University of Lille’s College of Pharmacy featured oral and poster presentations from a range of leading academic and industry players, including Medelpharm, BASF, Gruenenthal, Evonik, Colorcon, and the Universities of Berlin, Copenhagen, Ghent, Lille and Free University of Brussels.

    About Medelpharm

    Medelpharm is an international enterprise, located in Lyon, passionate about designing and manufacturing easy–to-use, fast and reliable equipment for Research and Development Scientists.

    You are looking for assistance in powder characterization, solid dosage formulation or production trouble shooting?

    Medelpharm can offer you a comprehensive portfolio of Multi-function R&D Presses, Tableting Instruments and Compaction simulators, Process equipment and extensive Services in tabletting, granulation and coating.

    Made by people for people.

    Website link:


    Particle Morphology Influence on Tablet Characteristics

    Medelpharm demonstrates tab-in-tab capabilities at AGPI Oral Controlled Release Workshop

    STYL’One Evolution

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