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    FlexyTSC – Adaptable Thermal Screening Calorimeter system

    products-servicesSYSTAG, System Technik AG
    April 29th 2014

    FlexyTSC is an adiabatic Thermal Screening Calorimeter that provides experts with support in safety analyses of solids and liquids as well as non-homogeneous substances.

    FlexyTSC is specifically designed to provide all necessary data for safety inspection in the following areas:

    • Scale-up
    • Process safety
    • Thermal stability
    • Warehouse test
    • Risk analysis
    • Runaway scenarios

    The system allows up to six measuring cells to be operated simultaneously, yet monitored individually. Samples in multi-gram range enable analyses of non-homogeneous substances that extend right through to distillation residue.

    FlexyTSC eliminates need for specific sample preparation with consequent difficulties, guaranteeing reproducible objective analyses even under adiabatic conditions.


    Thermodynamic evaluations with FlexyTSC offer clear analyses of undesired decomposition reactions or autocatalytic reactions with regard to:

    • Onset temperature
    • Heat of decomposition
    • SHR (self-heating rate)
    • Arrhenius plot
    • TMR plot (time to maximum rate)
    • Activation energy
    • Antoine plot

    The system provides dynamic measurement for detecting onset and decomposition enthalpy with isothermal multi-step experiment to assess autocatalytic decomposition.

    The long-term isothermal measurement can verify storage and transportation stability.

    Adiabatic measurement capability can determine SADT data and be combined with the Heat-Wait-Search function to calculate TMR (time to maximum rate), self-heating rate and activation energy, to complete the full Runaway-Scenario.

    Flexibility and adaptability

    FlexyTSC supports measurements using open or closed glass vessels, or with gas-flow-meter and at various gas atmospheres. It is suitable for both solids and liquids.

    It also supports analysis of solids or liquids in pressure vessels that can be fitted with glass inliner to suppress catalytic influences, with optional pressure measurement.

    The system can be configured to measure data ranging from -50°C to 400°C, with sample volumes ranging from 0.5 cc up to approximately 500 cc and pressures up to 200 bar.

    A wide selection of sample vessels enables comprehensive analyses meeting specific pressure, gas measurement, inert or active gas requirements. Sample vessels are reusable to reduce cost per analysis.


    Click on adaptable Thermal Screening Calorimeter system – FlexyTSC, for other information.


    Your partner in Chemical Development

    FlexyTSC – Adaptable Thermal Screening Calorimeter system

    Thermal Process Safety – FlexyTSC

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